What a dark, gloomy day! We were surprised with early frigid temperatures: 10 days of temperatures ranging from 9- 15 degrees. That is more typical of February weather. Today is much warmer. I believe it might even hit 50. (It feels tropical.) It would be even nicer if it wasn't raining!
The result of this unseasonable weather is that all our leaves are not raked. The tender bushes are not wrapped. The garden isn't completely cut down and the lawn furniture is not put away. Some of you out there are probably happy that all your outside obligations are completed, but hopefully I'm not the only one that left some tasks undone.
I was hoping that we'd get a few more days of mild weather so I could finish my chores and decorate the outside for Christmas without freezing my buns off, but the ten day forecast doesn't look promising.
Oh, for the child like joy of first snow. (My grandsons woke up and immediately put their snow suits and boots on....over their pjs no less). I tried to look at the glistening, sparkling snow with that in mind, but the beauty was undermined by adult concerns.
It's all a matter of perspective I guess, and if the chores don't get done, my chore clone is very irresponsible by the way, I'll make tea and enjoy the trees covered in their first winter cloak.
It's supposed to start snowing tonight. Oh no! I just looked outside and it already started!