bulbs is a great way to bring a little bit of spring into your house now. It’s easy to do, kids love it because you can
almost see stuff growing, and it’s just plain fun!
Some of the
most common bulbs used for forcing are paper whites and amaryllis, but there
are many others you could try: any tulip, hyacinth or daffodil could be forced
to bloom earlier and you only need a shallow dish, potting medium, some pebbles,
and a little water.
At this
time of year you probably can find paper whites or amaryllis in any big
discount store or nursery. They are
often sold over the holidays and make great gifts for the elderly, someone who
has only a small space to garden, and anyone wishing for a touch of spring. (Teachers love them too. So buy something for your child’s class!)
Now that
the holidays are often you can often find them steeply discounted and the cool
thing is they usually come with a decorative bowl and instructions on how to do
I have to
tell you though, that the first time I bought an amaryllis bulb, I bought one
that was already starting to sprout and the box it was in was all torn up. I got it dirt cheap, but when I got it home I
realized immediately that I didn’t have the slightest idea what to do with it. (The directions were missing from the
box!) But it wasn’t hard.
There was a
bag of soil medium that I put in a clay pot- about an inch bigger than the
bulb. I added water to the medium,
probably something like peat moss, until it overflowed the pot and then I let
it sit for a while to absorb the water.
When the peat moss was thoroughly damp, I drained the rest of the water
off and hollowed out a sizable space in the center of the pot.
I put the
bulb in the hollow with the green shoots pointing up and covered it
somewhat-about one third of the bulb was still visible- with the remaining peat
moss. I set it next to my sink and
watched what would happen. Within days
it was growing taller. It grew so fast
that I put a ruler in the pot next to it to see how many inches a day it would
grow. It was fascinating.
It grew to
almost two and a half feet tall, but not all varieties get that big. If you’re doing this with children bigger is
When it
bloomed it was the most remarkable thing.
It was a conversation piece all of January and half of February!
If you are
doing any growing experiments with children, forcing bulbs is a must!
whites are a form of Narcissi. What is
awesome about forcing bulbs that are usual “Easter plants” is that the smells
produced by these bulbs, especially hyacinth, are sooooo…. wonderful that I
would just drink their aroma if I could.
whites are especially nice for forcing because they need no cool storage. Other fall bulbs do, though so be sure to buy
ones that have been in cool storage, especially for forcing.
If you buy
bulbs dry from the nursery and they are not prepackaged for forcing, it is
still easy to force bulbs to bloom.
To begin
with you need a shallow bowl that will accommodate 4-6 bulbs. Layer the bottom of the bowl with pebbles or
marbles and add water. Add just enough
water so that you can easily see it but not enough to completely submerge your
Now gently
press the bulbs, fatter, flatter end, into your pebbles. The bulbs should be able to access the water
but not be actually sitting in it. Put
your dish in a bright location and then watch the magic, as they will start
sending out shoots within days.
Bulbs can
also be forced using peat moss. Fill your container with 1 ½ -2 inches of moist
plant medium. Place your bulbs gently on
top of the medium and sprinkle more medium around your bulbs but don’t bury
them completely.
Put them in
a bright window as before and they will start to grow. Keep the soil damp, but not wet. You don’t need to fertilize your bulbs
because generally there is enough food for the plant stored in the bulb itself.
These are amaryllis bulbs on the day they were planted and a week later. See how fast they grow! |
Spring may be a couple of months away yet, but you can enjoy a little bit of spring now by forcing bulbs to flower early.
As always, thanks for reading Julie’s Garden blog.
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