Monday, November 17, 2014

Introducing Julie's Garden Journal

For the last 4 years I have had a website entitled Gardening with Julie. As of this month the website will be no more.

This blog is taking me in a new direction.  I am a retired teacher and amateur gardener.  I love all kinds of gardening, but my favorite gardens are full of perennials and flowers that are either native or delicious to birds and animals.

I love cottage gardens and exuberant English gardens.  I live in gardening zone 5 so there won't be a lot of tropical or desert plants emphasized in my posts...unless of course they are so gorgeous that I decide to try to grow them in spite of their preferred growing locations.

During the winter, which has apparently already started, I have more time to write, as I'm usually out in my gardens when weather permits.

I plan on filling my blog with lots of pictures and the wisdom I've gained from several decades of gardening.  Hopefully, this journal will help you to enjoy your garden more, too because not only will I share the tips that have worked for me, I hope to bring you along with me on the journey of my garden.  So please come back again and again.