Earth Day was officially yesterday,
and it’s been said before,, but shouldn’t every day be Earth Day? I went on the Internet, and there are
countless organizations out there that you can join, or contribute to, in order
to make a difference, but some of the older, simpler ideas are still valid and
bear repeating… so I will.
There are many simple things you can
do to celebrate Earth Day everyday. Here
are some that could become habitual if you worked at it.
Buy nothing today that cannot be
reused, recycled, or repurposed. Then try it for two days, a week, a month…
Put several reusable bags in your car
or brief case and use them whenever you buy something.
Some things do not need to be put in a
bag at all! Carry it in your hands or
put it immediately in your purse.
Look for products that have less
Ask for fast food to be delivered
wrapped in a napkin not in a styrofoam box.
Buy a water bottle and fill it up from
a faucet.
Investigate paperless banking.
Support organic farming and organic
Try to buy locally as much as
Make your own compost and plant your own small garden.
Try to not fertilize your lawn.
Turn off lights, and TVs when you’re
not using them.
Ride your bike. Take the bus. Car
pool. Walk.
Teach your children to love the
Earth. Don’t litter and don’t ever let
them, either.
Take a garbage bag with you when you
go on a walk and pick up litter wherever and whenever you find it.
Plant something. Then do it
again. Do it often.
Tune your eyes into the beauty of
small growing and living things. (Spend
time with a child-they’ll show you how to do this if you’ve forgotten.)
Spend time outside and teach your
children to do so also.
Unplug appliances and electronics when
they’re not being used. Did you know
there is electricity still being used when things are fully charged but not
Plant native plants and drought
resistant plants in your yard.
Be creative! Share your ideas. Many minds are better than one!
In fact I’d love to hear from
you. What are your ideas for making
Earth a better place to live for all of us?
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