Easter Lilies are beautiful
and often they are given as gifts at this time of year. If you get one, they are also easy to take care of. Did you know that later you can replant your lily outside in the garden? Easter Lilies are perennial bulbs and with a little TLC they should adapt easily to your yard.
Easter lilies like
moisture. Keep yours damp but not
drenched, and poke a hole through the pretty foil, if yours is wrapped in
decorative paper, so the water can drain out of the bottom. Place the lily in a sunny
window and it should be very happy. Normal, inside house
temperatures are very comfortable for Easter Lilies.
When the blooms wilt pick
them off and then when the stems of your Easter Lily die back, cut them off at
the base. Keep watering the root as
usual and you may see new growth within a month.
When the outside temperature
is mild, dig a hole the size of your pot and amend the soil if necessary. Easter Lilies like soil that drains
well. Potting mix works well. Gently remove your lily roots from its pot
and loosen the roots if needed. Replant
and water.
Use a slow release fertilizer
a couple of times during the growing season and you should be good to go. Last year I did this and was surprised when
my Easter lily not only grew, but bloomed again in late summer.
Easter Lilies have a strong
fragrance and make beautiful cut flowers.
Plant yours where it can get plenty of morning sunshine and if necessary
treat the ground for slugs because not only are lilies pretty, they are also
(P.S. Deer think so,
That about does it. Enjoy your Easter Lily now and then plant it
and enjoy it again in your garden.
Thanks for gardening with
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